วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Future of Genealogy

Genealogy relies so heavily on the existence of paper records that are often difficult to find and even more difficult to interpret. With the advancements in DNA testing and knowledge, the future of genealogy is here in the form of genetic genealogy.

* Leaving Paper Records in the Past

Current genealogy research relies heavily and almost exclusively on paper records such as birth, death, and marriage certificates. These records are subject to wear and are often inaccurate in the case of older records.

Many avid genealogists travel the nation and even the world to search libraries and archives that they cannot otherwise access in hopes of finding missing links in their family tree. This can be a very frustrating process when a search comes up empty after traveling such long distances. These genealogy research trips can prove to be a big waste of money, time and efforts.

* Genetic Genealogy

Obviously genetic genealogy cannot completely eliminate traditional genealogy research methods. It is in fact somewhat reliant on them since there are obviously not DNA samples of every one of your deceased relatives, but genetic genealogy can be used to verify existing genealogical research.

As genetic genealogy expands it will become even more effective in doing what it all ready does. It can be used to verify family relationships, confirm relations among surname variants, extend your genealogy and leave a living legacy. Imagine how much easier it will be to find a lost relative when a large DNA database has been established and all you have to do is give a DNA sample and the matches will be automatically found for you. Though it is still relatively in its youth, genetic genealogy shows that the future of genealogy has arrived.

Kent Fairbourn is a Client Account Specialist for 10x Marketing. Go now Relative Genetics to perform a Free Surname Search and learn more about Genetic Genealogy.

Shuffling to the Music

Much as we sometimes fear change, some inexplicable part of the human psyche loves unpredictability. Even those among us who crave order in our homes and office spaces sometimes love to throw caution to the wind and lose our organized selves in a whirlwind of spontaneity. While many of us feel that things should have their place, and be in that same place when we go to look for it as we're running out the door, still we long for the odd surprise to make life just a little more interesting. Perhaps, then, it's little wonder that our favorite iPod tool is the shuffle key.

In the days of the record and tape cassette, our only listening option was a chronological one. And because even our very favorite album usually has a song or two that doesn't quite hit the spot, we always ended up listening to it anyway, skipping the needle over (quite often making horrible scratches in the process that invariably cut through the songs we did like), or pushing blindly on fast forward to get to the tune's other side.

But with the advent of CDs, our options expanded, offering us for the first time a perhaps more playful way of listening. And while CDs undoubtedly offered us greater listening flexibility over their predecessors, portable music had not yet reached its zenith. Now we have the iPod, and the user friendly listening of the CD has been combined with a storage system that allows us carry with us almost as much music as we could ever want.

But with that enormous choice available to us on a daily basis, it can be difficult to know where to begin your listening pleasure. Of course there are always days when you have a hankering for a particular song, but when the music stored comprises all your own personal favorites, how do you choose? Perhaps that's why the iPod's shuffle option is one of the device's best loves features.

So much so that Apple, the company who make the iPod, have produced a version of their digital music player that's quite descriptively called, yes, you guessed it, the Shuffle. Realizing that the feature was one of the iPod's most popular, they came up with a music player that assumes this mode by default. You can still store all the music you like on the new iPod version, only now you don't have to choose which song to play � the Shuffle plays your music randomly, so you are always treated to that element of surprise.

Now the unpredictability that keeps us on our toes can be a part of your life every day. Shuffle to the music!

Dave is the owner of http://myipodmini.info and http://ipodcaradapter4me.info websites that provide information on iPods.

International Phone Calling Cards � Touching Base With Home

It is hard to move or even travel internationally with some assurance that you will be able to talk to your loved ones on a frequent basis. Thank god for international calling cards. If you are moving to another country these may not be a use to you as you are probably able to get a reasonable plan from your phone company. However if you are traveling abroad it can be difficult to get in touch with people in your home country. Okay so most cities have internet cafes nowadays but if you are anything like me you like to hear your mother's actual voice once in a while, not just to read her words on a computer screen.

So before you travel it would probably be in your best interest to investigate some international phone calling cards. Now I have actually found a website on the internet-surprise surprise-that provides you with rate information on different calling cards, http://www.masterbell.com/. For example I searched for information for calling Venezuela from the United States and the web page gave me 20 different calling cards. Now I would say this is a pretty thorough search.

From this information you are able to at least estimate how much it will cost your family and friends to get in touch with you. All you have to do is reverse the search to find out how hard it will be for you to keep in touch with them.

Now the hard part might actually be finding the calling cards with the best rates in your home town. Well, aren't you lucky, this website even allows you to order the cards online and to refill them? It is amazing what you can do with the internet nowadays. So, here you go, no more worries. Finding international phone calling cards is like every thing else these days; as simple as searching on the internet.

Melissa Wayan Teaches you the tricks behind getting a cheap international calling card. Be sure to read her latest work about international phone calling cards.

The Nokia N93: An extremely desirable device

The Nokia N93 mobile phone is aimed at those who want to show off their mobile phone and who are particular about having the best features on their phone. A high end camera phone, Nokia N93 comes with a 3.2 megapixel digital camera with Carl Zeiss optics and 3X optical zoom. The big phone weighs 180 g and is packed with lots of features.
The large 2.4" 240x320 pixel display of the Nokia N93 swivels and twists around. The camera takes still photos and can record video at up to 30 frames per second at 640x480 pixel resolution. The Nokia N93 mobile phone allows you to output video clips and photos directly to a television via the N93's TV interface. The handset has a large display, web browser, email client and multimedia player. The Nokia N93 also comes with Bluetooth and WiFi and it supports WCDMA 3G and EDGE high speed data.
The handset features MPEG-4 VGA video capture at 30 frames per second with stereo audio recording and digital stabilization, enabling smooth and shake-free movies. Transfer your music collection to your phone; easily rip your CDs, store up to 1500 songs with a separately available 2 GB miniSD card.
There is a reasonable talktime of upto 5 hours and 10 days standby with a reasonable battery life. The key features of Nokia N93 include a 262k color 2.4" QVGA display, DVD-like video capture, autofocus and close-up mode, VGA video capture at 30 frames per second, FM radio and a digital music player, a large internal memory of up to 50 MB, which can be further expanded with a hot swap miniSD card of up to 2 GB, allowing users to capture up to 90 minutes of video and 2500 photos. So transform the way you shoot, shape and share your movies through the Nokia N93.

Buy Nokia N93 mobile phone with O2 and Vodafone networks from Mobile Rainbow.

Home Security Cameras - The Icing On The Cake

The home security industry has grown to be substantially bigger especially in light of recent years as a result of tumultuous geopolitical issues. If you are fortunate enough to be living in a neighborhood where you don't even need to lock your doors at night and still feel safe and sound- congratulations, this article is definitely not for you. For everyone else, read on...

There's just so much on the market nowadays that go beyond the physical security of your home such as having deadbolt locks or window bars, etc. Now you have the option of getting ahold of closed-circuit television and monitor your home 24/7, where you can even farm out the maintenance to others to check in every now and then to make sure everything is in order.

There's also home automation tools for security and deterrence such as scheduled power plug devices. Essentially what they do is rotate the on/off configurations to things like lighting, the radio, the TV, or anything else that will give the appearance that there is someone home. This is idea for those who are planning on leaving the premises for an extended period of time.

For those who are on a budget and can't afford or don't want to spend the time setting up a security system or hire someone else to do it, there are quick fix measures such as using dummy cameras on your front lawn or patio which can act as a sort of "deterrence" for would-be thieves.

Additionally, wireless security cameras are becoming more and more affordable as the technology makes massive advancement- both in terms of the cutting edge new features but also in the manufacturing and design process.

Speaking of which, we now have access at the consumer level, network security components to consider incorporating into the ultimate security package. You can remotely monitor several of your stores or different locations that you own or have an interest in, that you can check out through a centralized node using simple to use out-of-the-box security solutions.

Discover creative uses of hidden security camera setups to improve your security levels.

Successful Technology Outsourcing

The current economic climate, opportunities and round the clock service necessity requires most companies to outsource many technology projects to countries like India, China and eastern European countries. If you are a small software company, successful outsourcing is crucial to your development. For all the complexity this notion has, success in outsourcing is quite easily achievable as long as it is viewed as a core process in an organization. The list below features a simple set of rules for achieving effective outsourcing.

1. Selecting a partner

Outsourcing service companies vary dramatically in size, infrastructure, capital, language, and talent. Even large well managed companies choose the outsourcing partner based on only one or two factors and face failure. While factors like size and name recognition are important, the winning partner will have the right combination of the factors that suits you and your project needs. Infrastructure, language and talent are much more important factors than size and capital, if you are a software startup or a small software company. I have seen several software projects fail because the partner does not have the right communication infrastructure, like high speed connectivity or easy land line access. Reworks tend to be common place in a project if your partner does not understand phone conversations or email conversations well. Lastly, there is no substitute for talent. Interview every member of the project team and identify the strengths and weaknesses and select based on the project requirement. I have found that many projects suffer due to a lack of depth in a technology. For example, while many programmers may be familiar with Java or .Net, your project might need a specialized understanding of that technology. Don't compromise on talent.

2. Identifying the right project

This becomes critical especially if it is first project to be outsourced. Matching the project with the right talent in team members is central to the success of the project. It is best to start simple, baby steps. A lot of companies have found success by starting with QA, internal technical support and documentation projects. This provides you with a viable back-up plan should you encounter irreconcilable differences in your first project. All too often, companies tend to easily accept that the first project is likely to fail. Don't. You should take extra care that this is set up to succeed. Mind you, not all projects are suited for outsourcing. Choose the ones for which face to face communication is not essential. Lastly, ensure that the project is not more than 2 or 3 months in duration.

3. Managing the project

Clich�d as this might be, but, plan the work and work the plan. This is the most important aspect of the project. Have extra clear steps and outline them in a written manner. Perhaps the most important factors that will help you succeed are communication and use of tools. Do not assume anything and ensure that all team members are working on a common communication platform, be it email or any other special tool. Insist on daily or weekly written progress depending upon the project duration. A little bit of patience and attention to details will go a long way in making the project successful. Lastly, fund the project well; cutting corners does not work in Silicon valley, nor will it in Bangalore.

4. Measure the success

Identifying metrics and measuring them in outsourced projects often will determine if the project is going to succeed or fail. Get a list of simple, but comprehensive metrics. For instance, if it is a support project, measure the number of support queries, time it took to respond and whether the response was satisfactory or not. Seems simple, but most project managers take a very casual approach to this. Don't make that mistake. Insist on the measurement. It helps make a case for the next set of projects.

5. Build on the success

Lastly, it never pays to do the outsourcing just once. It is with repeated success that you gain the needed efficiency. Remember, that is why you started outsourcing in the first place. Create a good document on what succeeded and what failed. Correct the mistakes and do it again for a different project. Adding complexity to succeeding projects will help hone the process

The Best In Audio Video Tools

What do you use your computer for? Long gone are the days when the computer was strictly a data processing tools. Today, the computer is an all-purpose media entertainment center. Its capabilities have gone far beyond keeping a catalog of all your movies and music � it's even gone beyond playing all your favorite music and movies. These days, with the right tools you can splice, cut, record, edit, mix, create and publish your own media. And to accompany the new capabilities there's a dizzying array of new software tools that can help you do everything from rip CDs to encode complete animations and videos. How do you find the best new software tools?

Enter www.audio-video-tools.com, one of the fastest growing download sites for audio and video software. Just like their name says, the site is all about the software that you need to do everything you want with anything audio or video. This is not just another software directory. www.audio-video-tools.com lists powerful audio and video tools in 14 different categories from CD rippers to cell phone utilities. Whether you want to do something as simple as convert a wav to an mp3 or as complex as create a full-length video from scratch, you'll find the tools you need to do it at audio-video-tools.com.

And you'll find them easily. There's no need to wade through page after page of directory structure. You can search all categories from the front page on the site, or click on a category to go directly to browsing that category. You'll find video editors, audio editors, CD rippers, imaging software, video and audio converters, complete all-in-one packages and more. There are shareware listings, commercial listings and freeware listings � in short, just about everything you'd ever want to play with your media.

Each listing includes a capsule description and a full review as well as a side box that lists all the important details about the software � including both a staff and user rating, and the chance to enter your own rating. The categories include All-in-One, Media Players, CD Rippers, CD Burners, Converters, DVD software, Editors, ID3 Tag Editors, Mobile Phone Tools, Plugins, Radio and Broadcasting (plogcasting, anyone?), Recorders, Utilities and Voice and Text editors.

The reviews are comprehensive, listing all the capabilities of each software package and how well it performs each function. It's a nice bonus that's not often found on pure directories.

For software publishers, audio-video-tools.com offers multiple opportunities for exposure. There's an easy submission tool to add a free listing of you audio or video software, and many different ways to increase the exposure of your listing at very reasonable rates. You can opt for a featured listing, front page exposure, top level search results, footer text links and more.

Among the most popular software featured at audio-video-tools.com is Blaze Media Pro, the popular powerhouse all-in-one media tool that converts between all available video and audio formats .Rip, burn, convert, edit, capture, create, extract and combine files to create your own unique media.

www.audio-video-tools.com is a young and growing directory with a lot of promise. The directory structure is easy to follow and intuitive, the reviews and descriptions complete enough to intrigue and the array of features for software publishers wide enough to attract the best tools the net has to offer. If you need the tools to do absolutely anything with media files, this is the place to find the tools that you need.

This article was prepared for this Audio and Video Software Tools
website , please visit them for all your audio and visual software downloads